Aquatek Australia

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Leak Detection

Water bills sky rocketing? Your walls or floors have wet, spongy, moist or discoloured areas when nothing has been spilled? or can you smell Gas? These are key indicators of Pipe Leaks!

Traditional Methods would have been comprised of systematicall digging thought walls, surfaces this is labour intensive and costly to both your wallet and your home/office.

Aquatek Australia has the latest electronic locating and tracing equipment, including Acoustic Listening technology, designed to detect water leaks and Gas Leaks matter how small! Our experienced operators, combined with our industry leading technology we provide solutions that are affordable, time and most importantly are quality based!

You may have a plumbing leak if . . .

1.     You can hear the continuous sound of water (like a toilet running) when nothing is turned on.

2.     Your water meter reading changes when you aren't using any water. (Mark the indicator on your meter; don't use any water for an hour; then check the meter. If the indicator moved, you may have a leak.)

3.     Your water bill escalates over a period of weeks or months. (Compare your bills month to month.)

4.     Your walls or floors have wet, spongy, moist or discoloured areas when nothing has been spilled.

5.     You can smell foul odours coming from floors or walls near drains or sewers.

6.     Your building foundation cracks, vegetation grows unevenly, or earth shifts for no apparent reason.

7.     You find warm spots on your floor, particularly on concrete slab floors.

Please Contact Us to arrange for the appropriate scan before you commence construction, or to obtain a free quote

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Copyright Aquatek Australia 2009